Regional and International Musicals (selected)
Urinetown (in Danish: Tissebyen)
Music and Lyrics by Mark Hollmann, Book and Lyrics by Greg Kotis, Danish translation by Mads Æbeløe Nielsen
Produced by Fredericia Teater, Denmark
April 2019 – May 2019
I directed a production of Urinetown in Danish (!!!) at the amazing Fredericia Teater in Fredericia, Denmark. We did the show with a cast of only ten actors, so the actors all played multiple roles, and were constantly quick-changing backstage. It was hilarious and amazing theater magic. The production received a Reumert nomination (Denmark’s national theater awards) for Musical of the Year.
If you ever have the chance, I recommend spending time in Denmark - it is a beautiful and welcoming country. And if you’re curious how an English speaker might direct a show in a language she doesn’t understand, it helped that the actors and production and design team all speak English, so that’s how we communicated, and I had a back-translation of the script to work from.

The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
Music and Lyrics by William Finn, Book by Rachel Sheinkin, conceived by Rebecca Feldman
Produced by ACT of CT.
May - June 2019
Grab a D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y and welcome to Spelling Bee! This heartfelt Tony-Award winning musical follows a group of wonderfully unique and impassioned adolescents as they compete for the bee championship. The show celebrates the pursuit of victory and the gift of being true to oneself.

Photos by Jeff Butchen (last three photos by Matthew Gurren), Set Design by Jack Mehler, Costume Design by Stephanie Levin, Lighting Design by Marika Kent.